Frequently Asked Questions


"We realized that every human being wants to be valued and appreciated for the full spectrum of who they are. Not just an “engineer with 3 years experience” or a “mother who took a 5 year break in her career”.

In the future, we believe that every significant human interaction at work – recruitment, on-boarding, team bonding, vendor/partner selection, and coaching will be accompanied by an updated LifeVitae."

It's up to you! Share your LifeVitae with prospective employers, a new group of friends, your team mates and more. You can also use it to generate a SimilarityScore with others in the community. It is our promise to you that we do not and will not use your data for any commercial activities.

LifeVitae is the world’s first platform for curating your life experiences into a compact profile of your life’s milestones, achievements, strengths and much more. These are moments that truly define you and make you unique.

Creating your LifeVitae

It opens up many opportunities to enable you to showcase your profile to the right people. It also makes you eligible to participate in the special drives carried out by LifeVitae from time to time.

The levels are a measure of how many entries (LifeEvents, LifeAchievements, LifePassions, LifeMoments) you have. However, the Fidelity Score is the measure of the quality of the information you have provided in those sections.

"Try to write more than 1-2 lines for your LifeMoments and make sure they are meaningful.

Add proper descriptions for your LifeAchievements and LifePassions. "

This score is derived using AI. It indicates how well your profile has been filled up, how reliable the information you provided is, and how accurate your strength profile is.

"Once you complete the various sections of your profile, the system uses AI and data science to generate a SimilarityScore with the people in the LifeVitae community. 

We also have the functionality to compare the SimilarityScore of a single individual with multiple individuals, and to compare the SimilarityScores amongst all inviduals in a group. Contact us at to find out how you can get this feature."

Yes, you may log in to your LifeVitae to make the necessary edits. Use the dropdown menu next to "Edit Profile" to go to the specific section you wish to edit.

We get it, it's going to take you a while to outline your life journey. Completed sections of your LifeVitae will be saved once you click on "Next" or "Review Profile". 

No worries! You can skip a section and come back to it when ready!

Re-discover your LifeStrengths using our AI and data science strength profiling tool. Once you input your information, selected strengths will be populated, and then you will get to choose the strength that relates best with the details you provided.

LifePassions are things that you're interested in - your hobbies or causes that you're deeply connected to. It could even be a new sports activity that you've incorporated into your life. What makes your heart soar?

"Create your LifeVitae here at our main page. A step-by-step guide will lead you to your very own LifeVitae!

You can also view our tutorial video here to get a better idea of how it works before you begin."

"Kindly write in to to request a change. We understand that it's normal to have a change of mind or make a typo. 

One small disclaimer - a user will only be able to change his or her LifeVitae URL up to 3 times! We want to provide equal chances for everyone to grab that URL they've been eyeing."

LifeProfile is your basic information which includes details such as your name, place of study or work, countries visitied, languages spoken etc. 

LifeLine is a timeline of significant events/milestones that mark your life's highest and lowest points, be it personal or professional.

Bragging rights, Your LifeAchievements, LifeAchievements are the accomplishments that matter to you and highlight your successes in your life journey.

Professional LifeAchievements refer to your achievements in your jobs, internships, or even major college/university projects.

Personal LifeAchievements refer to your success stories outside of work be it going on a solo trip, organising a successful garage sale, or receiving an award.

LifeMoments is the most important part of your LifeVitae profile. This section enables you to show your character in times of adversity and success.

Browse and Search

You can use the following keywords to search for profiles: name, email, statement of purpose (hashtags), place of study or work, country, or username.

Privacy & Sharing

"Your LifeVitae can be viewed by the following groups of people: 

i. People you have connected with on the platform. 

ii. Anyone that you give access to by sharing your unique recruiter's link with them.

Any other user who views your profile will only be able to view the basic information and the LifeStrengths sections of your published LifeVitae."

"Yes, your LifeVitae can be shared directly on the following platforms: Whatsapp, Facebook, Linkedin and Email.

You can also use your unique recruiter's link or download your LifeVitae as a PDF, to share your profile on any other platform."

Yes, we have modular privacy in place. So if you don't wish to share all sections of your profile, you will be able to hide selected sections.

Connecting & Messaging

Yes, you can send a connection request or a message to any LifeVitae user. You may also invite friends and family to create their own LifeVitae.


Yes, LifeVitae Profiles can be downloaded in a PDF format. This PDF is also ATS compatible.



You may write to us at with the subject of 'Mailing list'.

Join our fast growing network of students, teachers, principals, counsellors, coaches and many others and find out your strength profile today.

Get started by creating your LifeVitae profile today